Throughout the day I write blog posts in my head. It’s weird. I think of great topics, and things to say and antidotes and puns, all while changing a diaper or vacuuming or washing that one dish for the 100th time.

When I sit down to actually write, that blinky line cursor thing mocks me. It laughs at me with every. steady. blink. “Remember when you could remember things? Remember when you wrote interesting blog posts? Remember when you knew what was going on in the world and had somewhat of an opinion?” That’s what it says to me.

Seriously. I have a friend who lives in Baltimore and her Facebook status was something along the lines of, “Can’t go to do [insert important thing she had to do] the freeways are closed down because of rioters.” And I was all, “Rioters? What the heck is going on?” Then I saw that Baltimore was trending, which immediately told me that I was not.

And while, all that is happening in Baltimore and Nepal and the baby princess and all of that is big news, the biggest news to me is that I woke up early, before Issa, and put my hair up and got dressed and threw on a little mascara and when I went in her room to get her she gasped and said, “mommy you look soooo beeeeauuutiful”. And right now, in this stage in my life, that’s all that really matters. For me, that’s better than any headline.

All this to say, I hope to write more personal posts here again. But if you don’t see anything from me, know it’s because I’m living life and fully enjoying the little moments with the people who hold my heart.