Last weekend some good friends of ours came down from Oklahoma to visit. We spent one day at the beach, one of my favorite places on the planet. We walked out onto one of the jetties and there were two men down there fishing.

Bethia and Joel are so great and have promised to come back to the beach with us for me to shoot their engagement photos…you know, when that whole engagement thing happens.

And so Bill and Joel can take more manly pictures together.

Ok so I peaked into the bucket those two guys were putting all their catch in. THAT FISH HAS TEETH!!! Like real buck teeth! What the heck. I had no idea that they had teeth like this, like maybe little nub teeth but these teeth not only freak me out but they make me imagine that that fish was the nerdy fish of his school. That his laughed sounded like ‘ga-huck’, and maybe he wore glasses. And he most definitely had a pocket protector. Ok…exit my weird day dream.

Then we drove up the sea wall and found Ritas!! SEE!! Ritas sells water ice and custard, and they are from Philly (also where Bill is from). So basically he and I freaked out. If you ever see one you need to go. D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.

I think Bethia liked it too. 🙂